Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova
Many Jews from Israel passed through Moldova in early January to Ukraine, heading to the grave of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Many Jews from Israel passed through Moldova in early January to Ukraine, heading to the grave of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe.


24 Tevet was the yortzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe. This day is celebrated in memory of the moment when his soul left the material world. The Rebbe was the distinguished founder of the Chabad Hasidic movement, a respected teacher and mentor.

On the tombstone of Rabbi Shneur Zalman are written words calling for respect and memory of this great spiritual leader:

“Here lies the Ark of the Covenant, the great Gaon, the Hasid, the humble, the holy, the pure, the crown of the Jewish people, the crown of the Torah, a ray of wisdom, who performed noble deeds among the people, turning many away from sin, our teacher Shneur Zalman, son of Rabbi Baruch. Returned to His soul to the Almighty on Sunday 24 Tevet, 5573 years since the creation of the Universe.”

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